Outdoor Activities For Kids Quest
Campers learn dance basics as well as popular line dances and dance moves from trained dance staff.
Dance Class Elements:
- Warm-Ups
- Across-the-floor movements
- Choreographed small group dances
- Short dance routines
Dance Games:
- Freeze Dance
- "Dancer, Dancer, Cross My Stage"
- Four Corners with dance moves
- Limbo
- Hokey-Pokey
Popular Line Dances and Dance Moves:
- The Whip
- The Macarena
- The Cha-Cha Slide
- The Continental Drift
- Freestyle
- Cotton Eye Joe
- Cupid Shuffle
- Y.M.C.A
- Gangnam Style
- Conga Line
- Campers' Choice
*This list is taught over the complete summer, not on a weekly basis.